Considering what is at stake in this election, can we trust either of the presidential candidates with the future of our country? Corruption, abortion, bigotry, greed, arrogance – these are just a few of the adjectives that can be ascribed to one or both. Some would say the situation calls out for lamentations of biblical proportions.
Like so many problems of mankind the answer is simple: the intercession of Our Lady is the answer. On November 15, 1956 when Our Lady of America appeared to Sr. Mary Ephrem she instructed us to pray “By thy Holy and Immaculate Conception, oh Mary, deliver us from evil.” It appears that Our Lady knew that America was on a path, that humanly speaking, was without hope. A path that would place our nation in the grip of evil. And this is exactly why this devotion is so important today.
If this devotion teaches nothing else, it does teach that we can rely on Our Lady. In the prayer of petition given by Our Lady (1956) she uses a phrase of great action – “deliver us from evil”. She knew that our nation, even if was not then as manifest as it is today, was in the grip of evil. If we were not in the grip of evil, then we would not need to be delivered.
This prayer is short, powerful and to the point. To be delivered from evil as a nation and as individuals is the promise of Our Lady of America. Regardless of what happens on Election Day, this prayer will be just as needed and efficacious after the election.
Please Pray: “By thy Holy and Immaculate Conception, oh Mary, deliver us from evil.” – Our Lady of America, Nov 15, 1956
More on this topic? Listen to Al Langsenkamp on Michael O’Neill’s
e Miracle Hunter®
(Start position is 6:30)
Pedro Tandoc Jr
I agree that through the powerful intercession of our Mother Mary whose heart and that of her Son are united, our country can once more be the Christian nation and the shining beacon of grace that will dispel the darkness of people’s hearts here and the whole world. But we, her children, must pray and continue praying until the forces of evil are destroyed. I join you as another prayer warrior.
Frances Mary Torrance
Although I am not an American, (I am Scottish). I have visited the U.S. Many, many times and have found it to be not only beautiful but your people are genuinely friendly, sincere and kind. My late dear father was a sailor and traveled the world for 25 years, visiting the U.S. Many times and in his opinion “America was the most open handed and generous nation in the world.” By the grace of God and the Loving care of Our Blessed Lady, as well as our prayers, we will re discover the wonderful qualities of Faith, Hope and Charity which will result in bringing the population of the United States back to the Trust in Almighty God which it once proclaimed. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Frances Mary Torrance
Now we know that Satan exists ( his greatest trick was in persuading us that he was a myth) we should return to the practice of reciting the Saint Michael prayer at the end of mass as was done in my youth. Parents must pray with their children as it is as easy to form them in a good habit as in a bad one. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
I am a Catholic girl from Boston, Massachussetts. My Irish grandparents and my parents taught us about the truths of Jesus life and that of Our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph from the time we were able to say our first prayers.
Every morning we said Angel of God, my Guardian dear to whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day, be at my side, to light and guide, to rule and guard. Amen
then ” St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou O Prince of the Heavenly Host: thrust into Hell, Satan, and all his evil spirits who prowl the world seeking the ruin of souls.
I have tried to say this prayer every day of my life. I believe it is a powerful prayer.
Barbara Rickman
Keep saying them, along with the rosary and the OLOA prayers. They are much needed. Go to the sacraments and especially confession. Guard your heart, your eyes and your mind. Satan attacks thru these, especially if you are young.